Rainie Oil Paintings
My Late Wife Lorraine [Rainie] Lievre Winters 1933-2006
An angel from heaven is what you are.
With these eyes I see a majestic light.
By golly that is her. I knew I was right!
An angel from heaven is what you are.
The paintings of Rainie are not for sale!
"Lorraine's World" 30x15
Donated to the Ellenville, NY Regional Hospital Hospice Room
in Memory of my late wife Lorraine Lievre Winters. October 1,1933 - May 6, 2006
Rainie and Bill "Another Time"
I started this painting back in 1996 and as to why it took so long to finish is beyond my
comprehension. It got set aside many times but I finished it the other day.
Rainie "Dream World"
Rainie at Sundown, NY "Rainie's Cow" Rainie at Sundown, NY "Farmer's Daughter"
Rainie with "Grand Daughter" Rainie with her "Mother"
"Rainie with Child" "Rainie in Winter"
Rainie at Sundown, NY "Grandpa's Old Barn"
Rainie Pencil Sketches 1951, 1956
Rainie bringing in the Cow "First Snow"
Rainie at the old Sundown Homestead "Deep Thought"
Rainie posing for a figure study "Serene"
Rainie posing for another figure study."Reflecting"
Rainie at Sundown, NY 1952 :"Married"
Rainie "Close Up"
Rainie in her later years "Grandma"
Lorraine's Grandmother Carrie Lievre on the Left and Lorraine's Aunt Tillie
Rainie's Grandmother when "Younger" and when "Older"
Rainie's "Grandfather" Louis Lievre
Rainie's "Mom"